This is my life. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Hardee's Commercial

Below is the link to my Hardee's commercial that I made.  I think it is so fun!


  1. RandyandTara---I LOVE it too!

  2. OK .... OK ...... I watched a few of them ... which one was yours????? Hope I saw the right one??!!

  3. Christine--Once you click on the link, it should start playing on the right side of the screen. There will also be a list of others that other people submitted. Mine is: Sugar Daddy....Baby Daddy.


  4. Christine-- CORRECTION.... Once you click on the link, it should start playing on the right side of the screen. On the left, is where you or anyone else can submit their own. Mine is: Sugar Daddy....Baby Daddy.

  5. I have no idea what happened ... may have been to tired to play with computers and links last night :O)
    I sware it did not come up .... it just stayed 'empty'.
    But this morning, after sleep and coffee .... whala - - there it is!
    Anyway, that turned out really cool. And it is even cooler that with all of those entries, that you made part of the selection! High Five!
    You haven't shown this to Hope, Prada, or Louie I hope??!!??!!
